Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Bnai Chai High Holidays 5782/2021

Bnai Chai High Holidays  5782/2021
via zoom this year

            This is how we did in in 2020. We'll see about 2021.
This year’s High Holidays will be different than any other we have ever experienced. Absent a vaccine, many will be reluctant to attend services in-person. We have been holding weekly Kabbalat Shabbat services for our members via, ZOOM, since the pandemic began.  To be extra safe for all, we have decided to offer our High Holiday services via ZOOM, as well.  Of course, one of the powerful dimensions of traditional services is being together with other Jews. This year, we will be together on the screen.
Since geography is not a consideration, we invite anyone to join us for services by simply purchasing a household ticket. Your ticket will also include a PDF file of the High Holiday Machzor.
Dates and Times for Services via Zoom

2021 dates

Rosh Hashanah 
 Monday night, Sept. 6, 8-9 PM
 and Tuesday, Sept. 7, 10 AM-12:00 PM

Yom Kippur
Kol Nidre Wed.  Sept. 15, 7:30-9 PM
Thursday, Sept 16, 10 AM-12 PM and 4-6 PM Minha, Yizkor, Neilah

You can cut and paste this form and mail it in to: Congregation B’nai Chai OR PAY by PAYPAL with button on first page at

(for one household buy one ticket on that page) 

2020 High Holiday Ticket Order Form

Name  ______________________________________________________
Street Address  ______________________________________________
City____________________________________  Zip Code ___________
Phone Number__________________________
Email Address _______________________________________________
  (Necessary to receive the ZOOM link and Machzor)
Number of households at $95.00  ___________________________

Please enclose this form with your check, payable to:
Congregation B’nai Chai
Mail in the enclosed envelope to:
                             Congregation B’nai Chai
                                      c/o  Donna Behm
5031 W Jerome Ave. Skokie 60077 
Questions:  email 773-401-2416.

Yizkor List

Yizkor List
List names of family members whom you wish to be recognized during the Yom Kippur Service.  A $10.00 minimum donation per name required.
PAY by Check to Bnai Chai or PAYPAL with button on first page at
Deceased’s Name                                          Relationship
___________________________________                   __________________         
___________________________________                   __________________         
___________________________________                   __________________         
___________________________________                   __________________         
Donation: $________________________